We're committed to providing the same excellent service throughout the implementation, so please communicate with us if you have questions, concerns or issues as we move through this transition.
Primo gives priority to materials that the you can get immediately – full text for articles. Checking the “Expand My Results” option displays additional citations to which you do not have immediate full-text access. The resulting citations may be available: in Hamersly Library’s physical collection only (print, microfiche or microfilm); (Scan & Deliver option is available) through one of o ... read more
Primo scopes allow you to define where your search is performed. You can select a scope in the drop-down menu right of the search box, or by selecting your desired scope under the search box on the main library home page. WOU: Books, e-books, audio-visual recordings, maps, scores, microforms, government documents, special collections, journals, magazines, and newspapers available on-site at Ham ... read more
The switch to Primo is part of a major cooperative effort by the Orbis Cascade Alliance (Summit) to consolidate all 37 institutions’ holdings into one single, shared library system. This move will allow for collaborative library purchase decisions and more cooperative workflows. Since it is managed “in the cloud,” libraries will no longer need to maintain local servers and manage separate systems. ... read more
WOU was part of the third cohort to transition. The entire Alliance membership of 37 institutions was divided into four cohorts to go through the migration together. The first libraries went live in June 2013, and the final group will move over in December 2014. Seeing and requesting Summit materials will improve once all libraries are on the new system in early 2015.
Instead of separate catalogs for WOU and Summit, you now have a single search tool to find items in Hamersly Libraries and Summit libraries, as well as some articles and other electronic resources. You can focus or expand your search according to your needs. The contents you see in Primo should be familiar to you, with landmarks such as titles, authors, subjects, locations, call numbers, and avail ... read more
The subscription databases are unaffected by this change. This includes the EBSCO databases (Academic Search Premier, PsycInfo, etc.) LexisNexis, JSTOR, Films on Demand and all of the other databases. They continue to be searchable in their full versions, just as before. In addition, a Primo search displays some articles from some of these databases alongside the available books and videos.
Primo is the new catalog that includes materials available at Hamersly Library and our 36 Summit partner libraries, as well as some articles and other electronic resources. You can search for books, articles and more in a single search box and then filter your search results.